VR Artist :



A one month residency in Northern Sweden, Moskosel Creative Lab, Jan - Feb 2023. I was selected as one of twenty international artists to create work for IMKONTHALL, a touring gallery of VR and AV films. Enabled by the project and inspired by the beautiful harsh climate of Moskosel, just below the Artic circle, I developed, wrote and shot a film that explores isolation, physical, emotional, enforced and self imposed. The film follows a series of isolated domestic vignettes with a central character longing to escape or liberate themselves and seek connection.

Using the filmic mechanism of the frame as a theme and conceptual stimulus for telling a narrative about isolation. Within VR there is no frame, and the immersion it allows becomes the greatest metaphor and vehicle to communicate the story. I am fascinated in how we use technology in emotionally interwoven ways that contextualise the use of that technology as the foundation of the work and the story it tells.


Creative Director : The House VR